Presenting a FREE special webinar for everyone!

Being the Ocean, Riding the Waves:

Soothing Your Nervous System in Challenging Times

with Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster presents
A FREE special on-demand webinar

Being the Ocean,
Riding the Waves:

Soothing Your Nervous System in Challenging Times

with Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster

“Meditation isn’t supposed to make you happy. It’s supposed to make you more aware. It’s supposed to wake you up, and slow you down, and help you touch what’s hurting inside, with gentle awareness and breath. In meditation, you soften around your unhappiness and you find a deeper happiness… called self-love. Meditation is not a “doing”, then, it’s the undoing of your self, of all your excuses against life…

– Jeff Foster


Free Webinar

Join Jeff for a warm, loving and restful live meditation and talk designed to help you drop into a place of deep rest amidst the challenges and stresses of life, and soothe your nervous system.

Can you ‘turn towards’ what’s here? Can you find the courage to ‘lean back’ into the ache and discomfort inside? The invitation of “true meditation” is to come out of the trance of certainty (and the idea that you’re supposed to “know”), and actually soften into your doubts, celebrate your imperfections… and come to see that your ultimate safety resides in Not Knowing.  

We’ll explore:

  • Why it’s so tempting to run away from uncomfortable feelings and look for security “outside of yourself” – in food, drink, drugs, shopping, social media, etc. 
  • Why you can get “stuck” and “bored” with traditional meditation practice 
  • The timeless non-dual teaching at the heart of meditation
  • Why you don’t need to “silence the mind” or “let go” of difficult emotions ever again! 
  • How you can turn back towards discomfort and anxiety, grounding yourself in the present moment, and welcome any intense or uncomfortable feelings in loving Awareness. 

In this heartfelt and spontaneous free session, Jeff will invite you to drop out of your mind and into the present moment, into your sacred body, and into the loving and vast Awareness that holds it all. He will make ancient teachings of nonduality and spiritual awakening simple, down to earth, playful and accessible. This session is open to all!

Sign up now to get registered for FREE:

About Jeff Foster

Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence. The spiritual search came crashing down with the clear recognition of the non-dual nature of everything, and the discovery of the extraordinary in the ordinary. In the clarity of this seeing, life became what it always was: intimate, open, loving and spontaneous, and Jeff was left with a deep understanding of the root illusion behind all human suffering, and a love of the present moment.

Jeff was voted #59 on Watkins Review’s list of the world’s 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. Jeff has published several books in over a dozen languages. His latest book “You Were Never Broken” was published in July 2020 by Sounds True.

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