Live Monthly Meditation Sessions for Healing and Deep Rest
with Jeff Foster
Join Jeff Foster for regular LIVE soul-enriching sessions exploring the ups and downs of healing and spiritual awakening, plus regular supportive meditations and dialogues on finding peace and groundedness amidst the storm of life.

“Bring your weary body, your tired mind. Bring your boredom, your grief, your anger. Bring your numbness, even your resistance.
Here, everything is welcome. Everything is sacred. Everything belongs.
This is not about escaping to some lofty, superhuman realm but about being awake and alive to the ache and the glory, the tragedy and the comedy of this one precious human life.
Our vehicle is meditation—a gentle slowing down, a profound “yes” to our beautiful, broken, tender human hearts. Yes to our imperfections and doubts. Yes to our longing, our sorrow, and our joy. Yes to ourselves, exactly as we are.
In this alchemical embrace of deep self-acceptance, healing and transformation can blossom.”
An invitation to a sacred journey, from ‘de-pressed’ to DEEP REST…
Dear Friend,
I’ve often thought, perhaps we are all seeking a kind of “sanctuary”. A home. A safe place where we can rest, deeply.
But as we come to discover, often through suffering and loss, all the money, popularity, success, fame, relationships, drugs and even spiritual experiences in the world won’t get us there.
All this “doing”, all this relentless seeking, can just leave us… exhausted. And far from the happiness we seek.
But what if, as the beloved poet Rumi puts it, “The entrance door to the sanctuary is inside of you”.
I’m so happy to be able to invite you to A SANCTUARY OF PRESENCE, my online space and community for meditation, rest and recovery. It’s a refuge… for the weary seeker in you. It’s a healing space… for the exhausted part of you, the sad part, the fearful part, the part of you that sometimes feels disconnected from life and love, from abundance and joy.
Through twice-monthly live sessions, I will gently guide you beyond “seeking”, and towards deep relaxation, profound self-acceptance… and the vast Ocean of Presence you have been yearning for.
This is a space where you can be seen, heard, and simply BE … just as you are. It’s a place to delve into the deepest truths of existence, to laugh, to cry, to marvel at life and embrace the mystery of things, all while being supported by me and a wonderful community of fellow seekers from around the globe.
It is a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment where you can take a step back, gently confront your pain and joy with courage and compassion. Within the Sanctuary, your fears, doubts, shame, imperfections, and failures are not viewed as obstacles or flaws or “blocks” to awakening … but rather as beautiful aspects of yourself that are yearning for wholeness and integration.
In the Sanctuary, you may uncover the tranquility and peace that lie beneath the chaos of the world.
Month by month, you will hear of not only my own personal journey, but distilled insights from my working with thousands of people in retreats and private sessions for over 15 years, helping them discover deeper levels of trust, healing and self-acceptance.
Through simple yet powerful LIVE guided meditations that cut to the root of suffering, honest dialogues, personal stories of my own struggle and journey of healing from chronic shame, suicidal depression and illness, original heartfelt prose and poetry, and through exploring your deepest questions, you’ll be guided into a place of deep inner rest, silence and peace … and we’ll bust some outdated myths about healing and spiritual awakening along the way!
Join me in the Sanctuary from the comfort of your own home, and let’s rest together, and breathe together, and meditate together, and grieve together, and rejoice together, and return home to our place of true safety and sanctuary – the present moment.
I look forward to connecting with you, wherever you are in the world.
With love and deep appreciation,
Jeff Foster
Author of ‘The Way of Rest’ and ‘You Were Never Broken’ (Sounds True)
P.S. When you sign up today you’ll get access to my exclusive program, A Mindful Warrior Of Presence: Meditations To Bring You Home, containing 12 powerful, soothing and ever-deepening meditations (6 HOURS of content!). Plus you’ll get access to a 50-page book of restful prose and poetry called Contemplations for Deep Rest, and a new video called Finding Your Inner Sanctuary. These are all yours to keep, even if you decide to leave the membership. From my heart to yours, no strings attached.
P.P.S. I’ve designed this membership so you can join me from anywhere in the world, and connect with my teachings – and each other – any time of day or night. If you miss any of my live broadcasts you will receive a full set of recordings (video and audio) to experience at your own convenience. The membership comes with a full money-back guarantee so you can try it and if you don’t like it, we’ll give you a refund.
…or keep scrolling to find out more…
Your Online Space and Community for Meditation, Rest and Recovery
Jeff Foster has journeyed through chronic shame, illness, and depression. He knows intimately the weight of suffering and despair.
But through the darkest times, Jeff discovered an unbreakable Light and a loving Presence, an inner Sanctuary that embraces us exactly as we are, loving us completely, flaws and all.
“There is an Ocean of Presence that’s always here,” Jeff says. “We get so caught up in the waves—our thoughts and feelings—that we miss the Ocean itself. Meditation is simply about remembering the Ocean, which is the vastness of your own heart…”
For over 15 years, Jeff has shared his teachings of presence globally through books, social media, events, and online courses. His message of Presence has profoundly changed and saved his own life, and the lives of many people around the world.
Jeff uses meditation as a vehicle to help us move from our distracted minds into our hearts and bodies, gently calming our nervous systems and digesting our trauma. Participants often praise Jeff’s authenticity, humility, and relatability, as well as the depth, power, and simplicity of his meditations. His teachings are accessible to everyone, no matter their background or experience level.
Whether you’re new to meditation or feeling stuck after years of practice, Jeff offers a fresh, authentic perspective. Join him in this Sanctuary of Presence to breathe, rest… and find new ways to love yourself as you are.
Your Online Space and Community for Meditation, Rest and Recovery
Jeff Foster has journeyed through chronic shame, illness, and depression. He knows intimately the weight of suffering and despair.
But through the darkest times, Jeff discovered an unbreakable Light and a loving Presence, an inner Sanctuary that embraces us exactly as we are, loving us completely, flaws and all.
“There is an Ocean of Presence that’s always here,” Jeff says. “We get so caught up in the waves—our thoughts and feelings—that we miss the Ocean itself. Meditation is simply about remembering the Ocean, which is the vastness of your own heart…”
For over 15 years, Jeff has shared his teachings of presence globally through books, social media, events, and online courses. His message of Presence has profoundly changed and saved his own life, and the lives of many people around the world.
Jeff uses meditation as a vehicle to help us move from our distracted minds into our hearts and bodies, gently calming our nervous systems and digesting our trauma. Participants often praise Jeff’s authenticity, humility, and relatability, as well as the depth, power, and simplicity of his meditations. His teachings are accessible to everyone, no matter their background or experience level.
Whether you’re new to meditation or feeling stuck after years of practice, Jeff offers a fresh, authentic perspective. Join him in this Sanctuary of Presence to breathe, rest… and find new ways to love yourself as you are.

“Foster writes from the gut, and his authenticity is off the charts.”
– Esquire Magazine
throughout the year…
- Why meditation is not what you think it is!
- How can we come out of our minds and into our bodies?
- Finding portals to the present moment – the senses, sound, the body, the breath, our emotions…
- What it means to take life “one moment at a time”
- Facing the fear of “missing out” and “wasting time” when we meditate
- The importance of going slowly into our painful and hurt places
- The lie of positivity and the shadow side of the “high vibe” culture
- How to begin to ‘bear’ the moment, when the moment seems unbearable
- Recovering our original innocence: Returning to that indestructible place in us that was never traumatised in the first place
- The paradox of dreaming of the future while surrendering into the present
- How creativity emerges from not knowing, stillness and ‘non-doing’
- How certainty and dogma block creativity – how we can come out of the mind and into true abundance
- The power of gratitude
- Being present with the negative “self-talk” in our heads
- Cultivating a loving relationship with our failures, imperfections, mistakes
- Turning towards our vulnerability and saying “yes” to the difficulties of life
- Why “working on myself” doesn’t always work; the healing power of surrender
- The myth of “loving ourselves”; why it’s okay to forget self-love sometimes
- Softening our resistance to pain; what is worse, the present moment, or our demand to be free from it?
- Using awareness and the breath to soothe tender, hurting places in the body
- Exploring feelings of frustration, shame, guilt, anger and fear around illness
- Opening to the wisdom of the body; are our wounds trying to teach us something or even awaken us?
- Exploring outdated myths around pain and illness; do we ‘attract’ bad things?
- Discovering the “I Am”, the unchanging principle of Being, our true source of Inner Peace, prior to thought
- What is non-duality? Jeff talks about his journey from deep suffering and depression to the realization of non-duality and “deep rest”
- The extraordinary in the ordinary – letting go of “perfection”, and bringing loving awareness to the little moments of life
- The transformational power of slowing down, getting out of our heads, and taking life “one moment at a time”
- Why we all learn to run from uncomfortable thoughts, urges, sensations and feelings in childhood
- Reframing addiction as “distraction” – from our own selves, our hearts, our needs, our authentic feelings
- The sacred middle – meeting impulses and urges without numbing them or acting them out
- Confronting the great emptiness inside: finding the fullness in the void inside of us
- Addicted to bliss – how even spiritual seeking and spiritual practice can become addictive, and how to dissolve this
- “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”: The joy of being an “amateur”
- Trusting our path, even when dreams fall away and the path seems foggy
- The healing power of disillusionment (dis-illusion-ment)
- Opening our hearts to grief, loss, and sorrow, even when we feel like closing off
- How to fail, beautifully: meeting our thoughts and feelings of failure with curious awareness
- Turning towards our discomfort and anxiety
- Grounding ourselves in the present moment
- Welcoming any intense or uncomfortable sensations in the body
- Bringing loving awareness to scary thoughts in the mind
- How we can stop judging ourselves, and learn to trust our deepest inner experience, even if it’s intense and feels overwhelming at times
- Why disappointment is not a ‘mistake’, but a sacred and important part of the path of awakening
- How to stay present rather than dwell on “what could have been”
- How embracing disappointment can bring us humility, gratitude and trust
- Meeting the ultimate ‘disappointments’ of death, loss, illness, etc.
- Finding the calm in the storm: Softening into the way the moment actually is, and opening to life, even as our dreams crumble…
What others are saying about
Jeff’s online courses…
“This is trauma-informed 'spiritual enlightenment' for a new generation, without dogma, without jargon, deeply relatable, and with a giant dose of humor and humanity. Jeff's simple philosophy of self-acceptance is a welcome balm for our aching hearts…”
Dearest Jeff, thank you from the bottom of my heart for having offered this online course, for guiding us, in so many ways, through your loving patience, openness, hearings, sharings, meditations, into our own built in ability to stay with our most uncomfortable emotional and physical pain…
The live calls felt so personal and authentic, you sharing your journey on this path-less path resonated with me deeply as I recognised myself throughout.
Being able to do it in the comfort of my home was a huge gift. A 2 hour talk with you was of more benefit to me than 2 years of therapy!
I've had a sense over these weeks listening to Jeff and settling into the deep acceptance of vulnerability in this group of a voice saying "finally" deep in my being. Finally I get to allow, embrace and validate this resting yes (that holds and includes "no") - to simply be with what's here...
I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your absolutely amazing (and accessible, affordable) online class. This course definitely has changed my life, and hopefully so many others as well…
Thank you so much Jeff, for your guidance and your heart. I have been so moved throughout this course and gained so much awareness, impacting me every day. It is so rare to create such connection in this cyber-universe, but I am grateful to have participated.
This course has opened the door for me to learn how to embody unconditional love of myself, right here, right now, just as I am. Oh, and also the deep connection to the fact that I am never alone and the release I felt from truly allowing myself to be seen and held for the first time in my life.
You just have to face life a moment at a time. That's it. It was a huge relief to me. It shifted my way of thinking about my invasive suicidal thoughts... Being with our emotions instead of running from them...
The pivotal point inside for me was when you said that deep rest is not a goal, it’s who we are by nature, in our essence. I’ve been driven to productivity all my life and have focused on the forward momentum I’ve kept feeling in my body in the four years since retiring from the workplace. I knew that I was living “a short distance from my body,” (from a James Joyce character), and hearing you say what you did helped the final piece land for me. That, along with the idea of meditation as being present with whatever our life experience is in the moment, have me now, finally living in my body. I’m in such a better place to be present. Thank you from the fullness of my heart.
Not long into this course I sat in meditation when I realised I have been "in process" for more than a year at that point. I've struggled through this sticky, hot mess of emotions. Forcing myself to “feel better already”. I decided to be "in life" instead. It is after all what this human form calls for. That day I had such bad anxiety I thought I was going to faint, but I tapped into “the trauma” and touched something beautiful and sacred. Thank you for sharing this wisdom! Forever grateful.
Out of all the teachers I had, all those highly regarded masters... you were the one who were able to put an end to that whole separation, and without making yourself sound like some special spiritually realized being... Jeff, thanks. My God, thanks. I can finally rest in everything I meet.
Listening to you talk lets me sigh with relief; nothing wrong with whatever is and THIS is already – no matter which stories mind produces. Thank you very much, Jeff.

“Wise, spacious, and loving. Teachings that can free the heart.”
– Jack Kornfield, author of A Lamp in the Darkness and A Path With Heart
Live Monthly Meditation Sessions for Healing and Deep Rest with Jeff Foster
Join Jeff Foster LIVE in his supportive, restful, heart-felt and humour-filled monthly membership on living in deep surrender to the present moment and facing life’s pains, joys, traumas and uncertainties with courage, faith, and compassion.
Here’s What You’ll Receive as a Member

#1) Three sessions per month with Jeff (two LIVE and one recorded)
You will be joining Jeff twice a month on exclusive private LIVE webinars designed to guide you through the unfolding process of awakening and deepen your sense of self-love and inner acceptance. Plus there will be an extra third pre-recorded video from Jeff, inspired by your questions and feedback and the explorations happening in the field.
In the live sesssions, we will come together to talk, to meditate, to bring loving awareness to our minds and bodies, and to deepen into an embrace of life. You’ll also be able to ask questions to Jeff, and Jeff will interact with the group and with individual participants.
Jeff’s sessions are unscripted, raw, honest, full of humour and personal stories. They are heartfelt, sometimes deeply moving… and always very spontaneous!

#2) Complete Audio & Video Downloads (yours to keep forever!)
Every Live session will be recorded and available in video and audio formats so you’ll be able to download and own all the content. So if you want to listen to or watch the sessions you can do so over and over! And if you miss one of the live sessions, you’ll be able to watch at your leisure.

#3) Course Transcripts
We will be automatically transcribing all of the sessions and you will be able to download these to read and review in your own time.

#4) Deep Meditations and Contemplations to support you
During the Live calls and in pre-recorded videos Jeff will share unique meditations and contemplations for you to explore in your own time, to hold the class thread in between sessions.
These contemplations will be instrumental in your progress and something you’ll be able to do on your own. Every meditation and contemplation is designed to help you deepen your acceptance of what is and bring a sense of rest and slowness into every moment of your life.

#5) Access to Jeff’s supportive private Facebook Group (not open to the public!)
Jeff’s optional private Facebook Group – only for members to ensure safety and group cohesion – will connect you with a worldwide community of like-minded people to discuss the course material, share experiences, as well as give and receive support.
Plus Receive These Free Bonuses…

Bonus #1: A Mindful Warrior Of Presence – 12 Meditations To Bring You Home
Download or stream Jeff’s exclusive Meditation program that contains 6 hours of gentle, restful and powerful talks and meditations on rest, spiritual awakening, and processing challenging emotions, recorded LIVE at one of Jeff’s retreats. It’s yours to keep.

Bonus #2: 50-page exclusive e-book: “Contemplations for Deep Rest: Soothing Words for Difficult Times” by Jeff Foster
You will receive a special 50-page ebook – created especially by Jeff for his online students – containing a selection of his original writing. Sacred, supportive and encouraging words guiding you into a wordless place of deep rest.

Bonus #3: Exclusive video, “Finding Your Inner Sanctuary”
In this brand new video recorded exclusively for members, Jeff shares how meditation can help you remember a profound place within yourself where acceptance, love, and kindness flourish. This “inner sanctuary” is a field of presence where all parts of yourself are embraced without judgment or shame. Meditation can help you cultivate this inner “haven”, transforming your relationship with yourself and the world around you.
Live Monthly Meditation Sessions for Healing and Deep Rest with Jeff Foster
Here’s everything you will receive as a member:

1) Three sessions each month with Jeff (two LIVE and one recorded based on members’ questions and feedback)
2) Complete Audio & Video Downloads of all Sessions
3) Written Transcripts
4) Deep Meditations and Contemplations to support you
5) Access to Jeff’s supportive private Facebook Group
(not open to the public!)
PLUS You’ll Receive These Bonuses:
BONUS #1: Downloadable meditation program with 12 free meditations and talks: “A Mindful Warrior Of Presence: Meditations To Bring You Home”
BONUS #2: Free book “Contemplations for Deep Rest: Soothing Words for Difficult Times”
BONUS #3: Free Video “Finding Your Inner Sanctuary”
We invite you to join A Sanctuary of Presence today.
Click here to checkout with PayPal for yearly.
Click here to checkout with PayPal for monthly.
My Personal Promise & 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I have created this membership to be a place of refuge in our modern world. I have put my full heart and love into this program. If, however, for any reason you are not satisfied within the first two weeks of purchase, the community forum and the bonus materials, you can email support@jefffosteronline.com for a full refund, no questions asked.
Jeff Foster
About Jeff Foster
Jeff Foster studied Astrophysics at Cambridge University. In his mid-twenties, after a long period of depression and illness, he became addicted to the idea of ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and embarked on an intensive spiritual quest for the ultimate truth of existence. The spiritual search came crashing down with the clear recognition of the non-dual nature of everything, and the discovery of the extraordinary in the ordinary. In the clarity of this seeing, life became what it always was: intimate, open, loving and spontaneous, and Jeff was left with a deep understanding of the root illusion behind all human suffering, and a love of the present moment.
Jeff was voted #59 on Watkins Review’s list of the world’s 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. Jeff has published several books in over a dozen languages. His latest book “You Were Never Broken” was published in July 2020 by Sounds True.
Jeff’s simple, compassionate teachings on self-acceptance
have touched thousands all over the world…
“Jeff’s words melt my heart and create an Oasis where I can rest and be myself.” – SY
“Jeff’s expression in this world gives me the permission to be wonderfully messily and chaotically human. Something I never gave myself. His expression literally saved me at some point.” – RC
“I’ve ‘known’ all this stuff for years but you moved it all from my head to my heart….The nuts and bolts of being here now….Falling into the arms of life. In the last call, during the opening meditation, I felt the universe inside me and was beautifully lost in it. Truly life changing, Jeff, and I thank you. 70 years of wandering in the desert and you have guided me home.” – JS
“His words are filled with beautiful inspiration and understanding, and so many times have just touched my soul when I have most needed it.” – JB
“For me Jeff is the voice of the wild soul that truly enters all essence of being and embraces every aspect of it.” – IV
“His words help me to not spiritually bypass my humanity. Put me right there in the middle of everything that Life is.” – VH
“His words, his meditations help me to find rest in me as I am right now, to find peace on my way, to see my fear as a little child looking for my attention and my Love.” – ME
“His words stabilize, normalize, embrace and pacify those of us who feel emotion deeply and haven’t been able to understand that we are beautiful because of them.” – LS
“A conscious voice able to illuminate not only the underlying mystery of it all, but also the deep seated traumas in the human psyche. A rare light that penetrates to the darkest forgotten places at the roots of violence.”– JS
“He helps me to step out of the stories of my mind. He shows me the joy of the open heart.” – JM
“His teachings have touched the deepest place inside and the felt resonance is just so reaffirming that it is all just passing in front of a never changing presence.” – TA
“I thought I was the one that had to carry life! I didn’t trust life at all, not for one minute. I felt like it was trying to take everything from me, even to kill me. I thought I had to learn more, work harder, try harder, work faster, work longer, do more, stay one step ahead … well, you get the idea. Until I couldn’t take it anymore. Then, during meditation, you suggested the unthinkable. To just fall into the arms of life. Life, that dangerous thing I’ve been protecting myself from for decades!! Prepared to die in an instant, I just made that swan dive into the dark abyss with nothing more than the wings of a prayer, and lo and behold I was held! I am held still!” – LH
“Jeff’s teaching gave me courage to face and meet that what seems unbearable. A doorway that was forgotten, overlooked, fled from.” – DW
“Jeff puts into words what I couldn’t express and it moved me to tears. He taught me that it’s ok to be a divine mess, awkward and scared, completely vulnerable and authentic. Learning to leave the mask off and embracing beautiful, f****d-up me.” – AS
“His teachings diminish my fear and allow my own wisdom to flourish.”– MH
“Jeff was the first person to allow me accept what I couldn’t accept – that began my healing process and I will be forever grateful.” – EH
“Jeff’s words have changed my life in that I have come to understand that all of me is worthy of love” – SP
“Jeff has taught me to accept my unlovable parts and start loving the whole of me” – TN
“His teachings have helped me to become best friends with myself resulting in trust, compassion, and grace.” – DC
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the sessions live or pre-recorded?
There are two live interactive sessions a month and an extra one will be recorded by Jeff each month for you. All of the live sessions will be held on Zoom and then loaded to a membership site for easy access. You will be able to download the video and audio to watch/listen at your convenience.
What are the dates and times of the LIVE sessions?
Our live calls will be held TUESDAYS at 11am USA Pacific Time.
Our Live Call Days: Jeff will broadcast LIVE on the FIRST and THIRD Tuesdays of every month (unless we tell you otherwise!!!)
Each call will last around 60-90 minutes and will always be recorded so that you can watch the replay at your convenience if for any reason you cannot join the live session.
You can join Jeff from anywhere in the world. Check call times in your time zone using this handy tool: https://timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
How can I get support?
We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about accessing your membership.
For support please email: support@jefffosteronline.com
Please always use this support email rather than posting in the Facebook group or contacting Jeff directly. We typically answer within 24 hours or sooner and we are here to make your journey as easy as possible.
I signed up but I haven't heard anything...
Sometimes our emails might end up in your junk/spam/promotions folder, so please do check there!
Is there a scholarship program?
If you are experiencing financial hardship please email support@jefffosteronline.com and we’ll see how we can help.
Note: If you are experiencing financial hardship please email the support team at support@jefffosteronline.com.
even awaken yourself.
Let go of ‘letting go’.
Be here.
your fearful thoughts: they are not mistakes,
and they are not asking to be ‘healed’.
in the loving, healing arms of present awareness…
– Jeff Foster
© Jeff Foster, all rights reserved. | Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions